Buy Now, Pay Later


We’re marking 40 years of London Fashion Week with a reality check.

Our latest Blast Campaign highlights the impact our shopping habits and obsession with ‘adding to basket’ is having on our planet.

Did you know that British shoppers buy more clothes than any other in Europe? We were shocked by this but sadly not surprised. The rise of BNPL schemes and easy access to financing has dramatically increased our consumption.

It’s changed the purchasing power for many people and stats show that delayed payments lead to significantly higher orders than average.

Yes it’s convenient – but at what cost?

It’s no secret that the fashion industry is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the shipping and aviation industries combined.

Overconsumption of fast fashion fuelled by convenient finance options are pushing us towards an unsustainable future.

It’s time to rethink our spending habits and how we use our purchasing power.

It’s easy to click ‘buy now,’…
But remember every purchase has a bigger price to pay.